Veterinary Facilities: We have the PURRR-fect Program for You!
Many Veterinary Service Facilities have had their medical waste removed in the past as part of a package with their pet cremation service providers.
Many of the pet cremation companies are no longer providing these services as of March 24, 2023, this is impacting facilities across the Country.
Veterinarian Clinics and Hospitals are a group of customers that we serve very well. We stock the sharps containers they need as well as offering disposal options for their trace chemotherapeutic and pharmaceutical wastes to help veterinarian offices stay compliant with the disposal of these regulated wastes. Our ability to quickly and seamlessly transition these sites from their previous service provider is a benefit to these Veterinarians as we’re not impacting their day to day operations.
Many other regulated medical waste vendors soliciting these same veterinarian offices do not offer incineration, or it’s offered at a much higher rate than their normal services. These vendors utilize an autoclave as their primary method of treatment. It is a cheaper treatment option that is OK for most regulated medical wastes however it does not meet State requirements for Pathological/Trace Chemotherapeutic/Non-Hazardous Pharmaceutical wastes.
We are continuing to reach out the these veterinarians to provide our discounted quote for their medical waste services and earn their business! We are ready and able to provide a seamless service transition, so your office doesn’t skip a beat!
We are a woman owned, family operated business with the goal of providing outstanding service and keeping our customers compliant! We’re urging all veterinarian offices to reach out to us TODAY for a proposal! They can give us a call at 302-533-6858 or fill out our proposal information form (Proposal Information Form) and we’ll send your proposal by the next business day!
Give us a call today to discuss with one of our regulated waste specialists!