Waste potentially contaminated with the Ebola or Marburg virus disease is not considered regulated medical waste. It is considered a Category A Infectious Substance due to its high risk of transmission and life-threatening symptoms. The waste stream has more stringent requirements for packaging, transporting, and disposal to mitigate these risks.
What is ebola or marburg contaminated waste?
Advant-EDGE Solutions of Middle Atlantic, Inc holds party status to Permit 16279 is a specific permit that authorizes the proper packaging and transportation of waste that may be potentially contaminated with the Ebola or Marburg virus diseases. This permit ensures compliance with regulations regarding the safe handling and transport of hazardous infectious materials.
When it comes to the classification of infectious substances, there are two main categories: Category A and Category B.
Regulated medical waste falls under Category B infectious substances. These substances contain pathogens that, while still capable of causing illness, are not generally in a form that can lead to permanent disability or life-threatening diseases in otherwise healthy individuals or animals.

On the other hand, Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste is classified as a Category A infectious substance. Category A infectious substances are materials that are known or expected to contain a pathogen, such as the Ebola or Marburg virus, in a form that has the potential to cause permanent disability or life-threatening and potentially fatal diseases in otherwise healthy individuals or animals upon exposure.
The distinction between Category A and Category B infectious substances lies in the severity and potential consequences of exposure. Category A substances pose a higher risk due to their ability to cause severe illness or even death.
The issuance of Permit 16279 ensures that waste potentially contaminated with the Ebola or Marburg virus disease is handled, packaged, and transported in a manner that minimizes the risk of exposure and follows strict protocols to protect the health and safety of individuals and the environment.
Packing Requirements
Regulated medical waste, which includes waste from healthcare facilities, is shipped under the UN3291 and is classified as "Regulated Medical Waste, 6.2, PGII." This classification indicates that it is a hazardous material related to infectious substances and poses a moderate risk during transportation.
However, Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste is shipped under a different UN number, specifically UN2814, and is classified as "Infectious Substance Affecting Humans (Ebola or Marburg), 6.2." This classification recognizes the high level of infectiousness and potential danger associated with Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste.
The specific packing group for these waste materials would be determined based on the requirements outlined in the Special Permit 16279. This permit ensures that the waste is properly packaged and transported in compliance with regulations and safety standards. At Advant-Edge Solutions of Middle Atlantic, Inc., we maintain an inventory of appropriate packaging materials to meet the specific requirements outlined in the permit.
It's important to note that the packaging for Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste differs from the packaging used for regulated medical waste. To assist our customers in understanding the proper packaging procedures, we provide a guidance document issued by the US Department of Transportation (DOT). This document should be reviewed carefully to ensure compliance with the packaging requirements.
Furthermore, it's crucial to adhere to weight limitations when packaging Category A infectious substances. Bags containing Category A infectious substances, such as Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste, should not exceed 22 pounds in weight.
We understand the importance of proper training when it comes to shipping waste potentially contaminated with the Ebola or Marburg virus disease. Our team at Advant-Edge Solutions of Middle Atlantic, Inc. is equipped to provide the necessary training to ensure our customers are well-prepared and compliant with the shipping requirements for this highly infectious waste stream.
There is training required for the shipping of Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste.
The training requirements for handling Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste are similar to those for regulated medical waste. The training covers various aspects, including:
- General Awareness/Familiarization: This training provides an overview of the regulations and requirements related to handling and shipping Ebola or Marburg-contaminated waste. It ensures that personnel are familiar with the necessary precautions and procedures.
- Function-Specific Training: This training is tailored to specific job roles and responsibilities within the facility. It provides detailed guidance on the tasks and protocols related to the handling, packaging, and transportation of Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste.
- Safety Training: Safety training focuses on the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), safe handling techniques, and measures to prevent accidents or injuries during the handling and transportation of hazardous waste.
- Security Awareness: Given the potential risks associated with Ebola or Marburg-contaminated waste, security awareness training is provided to ensure that personnel are aware of and adhere to security protocols to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.
- In-Depth Security Training (if required): In some cases, additional security training may be necessary, depending on the specific requirements outlined in the regulations or special permits. This training may include specific procedures for handling and securing Ebola or Marburg-contaminated waste.
At Advant-Edge Solutions of Middle Atlantic, Inc., we strive to provide comprehensive solutions for the management of hazardous waste, including Ebola or Marburg contaminated waste. Our training programs, specialized containers, and waste kits are designed to ensure compliance, safety, and efficiency in handling and disposing of these highly infectious waste streams.
We are also able to offer containers (55 gallon drums) and Ebola or Marburg waste kits. The kits consist of the following:
- 55 gallon Poly PGII Rated Container
- 6 ASTM compliant liners
- 6 Absorbent pads
- Cable ties
- UN2814 Infectious substance labels
- Infectious substance affecting humans labels
- Directional Labels (showing up)
- We also offer a 30 gallon Poly PGII Rated drum that can be loaded into the 55 gallon outer packaging.
Contact ASMAI today to discuss how we can assist in your preparation for handling this waste stream.